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Archives de Tag: India – Pakistan

Personally , someone & anyone can’t able to understand  » What’s wrong with these two arch-rival India & Pakistan? » . Accept it or not , there’s always some serious issues that create misunderstanding between them . And certainly , it’s always so tough to imagine : What do Pakistan-India’s future hold? Some time we notice : There’s some connection or the other next time we discover , there’s no connection .Hard to say  » Who is the most cruel?  » Sometime it seems it’s Pakistan who had planned several blasts inside Indian territory and sometime it indicates it’s incredible India who engaged their people in the most worst terrorist activities against Pakistan .

Here , If you just think seriously . The question further is  » there’s nothing called War between them « . Much more it is described as it’s all about religion , food & nuclear developments . Wait for a second 🙂 Personally i would like to capture your mind & soul for a while . Until & unless if you just allow me to do that . No worries , i won’t need more than a couple of second . A couple of second , that’s all that matter to me .
Go soft & think about the World’s most highest battlefield Siachen . Still both of them continue lunching special operations in order to maintain peace around the region .History suggests tens of thousands soldiers has been killed on both sides . Raising a lot of questions  » Whose war is this ? Do we really need to continue during this 21 century ? ‘Oh i see , i’m sorry 😦 Right now there’s no more serious war over there but you never know « Who will start later ? » . Is there any solution to fix this world’s most puzzled problem ? Any international support ? Really , i’m so excited to understand this story .
Help ! Help !! Help !!!